Interesting Facts - 01

1)An average male spends during his entire life around 3100 hours shaving. It’s true!

2)The average person eats 4 spiders every year in their sleep. Gross!

3)Most people shed between 50 to 100 hairs every day. The question is, where do they go?

4)The average human with a full head of hair contains between 85,000 to 150,000 hairs.

5)Jupiter is the largest planet in the earths solar system. You should have known that one.

6)Squirrels forget where 50% of the nuts they’ve hidden are. Useless, Hahaha.

7)Did you know the first bullet proof vest was invented by a women. Cool!

8)Cold weather makes fingernails grow faster. Weird!

9)Only humans cry because of feelings. Awesome!

10)Interesting fact number 10. Mohammad is the most common birth name in the world. Wow!

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